Thursday, June 19, 2008

6:33pm: Japan Time<3 One day Later.

This is my first blog as a...blogger I guess we can call it.
*please note, this is just for my own pleasure, you dont have to take any interest in it if you dont want to*
Summer has arrived. What does a teenager who is not old enough to work do for two months?
Read, and Blog.
Just so you all know, this blog is only going to be running for the summer...if people start to take more interest than I expect (which is none) than I may continue it for longer. Anywho, my plan is to post one blog per day, and you guys who are bored like me, can follow along journey...riiiight.....

Unlike everyone else, I am dreading this summer. I'm hating every second of it. Lets just recap my last week of school, so you can see where I'm coming from.
I wasnt in any serious relationship, but my bf broke up with me...(this year was my last year in Middle school (8th grade) so, a 'relationship' isnt like *hooking up and all smoochy* ok? I just dont do that.
So...I guess when he dumped me, I realized that I was into him more than I ever I've kind of been depressed lately.
Guy B...or, lets call him Bob. Well, bob asked me out about 2 weeks later...and this was his second time...I had already said no once....and it broke his heart (from what I hear...for some reason I find that highly unlikely) and I had to do it I'm feeling bad.
But apparently he got over it fast, because one hour l8r he asked out another girl.

Anyway, with the guy I like, I asked him if we could get back together...he said no...he said I was his first true lve...but...I dunno...maybe because its the summer?
I cant stop thinking about I've never felt this way...Anyway earlier today he said 'Just forget about it for the summer...we will deal with it when we are back at school' which gave me just a bit of hope.

PEOPLE: just so you know. I'm not the typical girl...even as I write this and I'm all 'omg, I just broke up with my bf *sob sob*'
I am NOT that type of person. I'm not all *girly* offence to blog sounds like that right now, however...NOT true. just so you know...ok?

Anyway, I've spent the first day of holidays watching 3 movies total, just surfing around the net, aaaand...eating? Ooh, and a bit of excersise (spelling error?) which I quit after about 1 minute.

I'm not looking forward to summer, and I'm not looking forward to high school what-so-ever. I dont feel mentally prepared for it...Apparently my class is hated by the current 9 AND 10th thats going to be fun...and I just dont want to deal with all the work (etc)...

Always your bored, pathetic little Middle Schooler,

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